Expert Support for Childcare Providers

Training | Bespoke Programmes | Mentoring | Conultancy | Expert Speakers

BeMore Confident

Make better, more informed decisions for you, your business, your staff and the children you care for.

BeMore Sustainable

Learn where change needs to happen, understand how to apply change to your organisation and work with experienced mentors to implement changes.

BeMore Happy

Reconnect with the reasons you set up your business in the first place. Take time to work on, not in, your business.

BeMore Profitable

A business-focussed approach for any provider looking to grow their business in a financially and emotionally sustainable way.

Training, mentoring and consultancy for wraparound and childcare providers

Hello. We are Sam and Tanya. We are trainers with a difference.

We have 40+ years of experience of working with children and childcare organisations.

We find providers are usually great at working with children.

But… they find the growing a business and managing a large team harder.

That’s where our experience comes in.

We have grown a childcare business from start up to employing 150+ people.

We now use our knowledge skills and expertise to support others.

Online Groups for Providers and Face to Face for Local Authorities